standing still; looking back, looking forward

standing still; looking back, looking forward is a celebration of First Nations identities today, yesterday and tomorrow. Featuring new works by Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Ashley Perry and Katie West, and collaborative work by Amala Groom & Nicole Monks, the exhibition acts as a testimony to the non-prescription of the Aboriginal experience – presenting a collection of works that together, explore the complexities of navigating culture, expectation and sovereign knowledges.

Through contemporary investigations of memory, lived experience and sovereign knowledge, and the artists own unique experiences, the exhibition highlights the importance of knowledge transfer and the social responsibility that comes with it - charting an urban reality across and between the multiple in culture, place/s and space/s to reveal wide-ranging perspectives and experiences of Aboriginality that intersect both time and tradition, change and adaption.

Continue reading the full curatorial forward via the catalogue below.

Incinerator Gallery, Moonee Ponds

Artists Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Ashley Perry, Katie West, Amala Groom and Nicole Monk

Curator Jessica Clark

Date 2 June–29 July 2018


Wurrunggi Biik-Law of the Land

